
Perhaps the final nail has been driven into the coffin of our democracy. The deterioration of our country didn’t happen overnight, and certainly the Republicans are not the only ones to blame. They, however, are the ones now bringing it to a quick death. They are blatant in their attempt to silence the opposition, and take control, no matter  the will of the people. 

The egregious behavior of our president is a prime example of why he should not be the commander in chief of a democracy, as he attempts to suppress the counting of the vote, making what seems to me to be such wild and crazy claims. Yet, his supporters stand by him, also willing to silence others and not represent all. Mind you, Trump is doing exactly as he said he would do, and that is to challenge the mail in votes. He is claiming fraud, when there is no evidence of any such thing, which he well knows.  This is all part of his plan to cheat his way to winning the election, further confirmation of the inappropriateness of his appointment. He and his cronies have been planning this for a little while. 

With the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg, the Republicans quickly put Amy Coney Barrett on the court, despite their previous argument that no justice should be selected so close to an election. She was chosen because our administration knows she will make decisions in favor of Trump. She comes from an extremely conservative religion that is both sexist and discriminatory, hardly an apt choice for a United States Supreme Court Justice. But, this is inline with the Republicans determination to have control, and not a democracy.

It is an interesting dilemma that the Democrats face. It is so often the case that they don’t play hardball like the Republicans, this is due to their nature. The Democrats desire democracy and inclusion, whereas the Republicans desire control and exclusion. Several examples of this are: hate groups in our country (e.g., white supremacists), voter suppression, right to lifers, etc. These people are a minority, but want all to follow their rules. They may well get it, but let us no longer call this a democracy, nor the “Greatest Nation on Earth.” Welcome to Fascism. 

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